2018 General Assembly Session Recap
Over 3,700 pieces of legislation were introduced during the 60-day General Assembly Session. Of those bills, Your Home Builders Association of Virginia (HBAV) identified 147 bills that would have a direct or indirect impact on Virginia’s residential land development and construction industry. HBAV represented the greater interests of builder, developers, and contractors on the following:
Summary of Legislation HBAV Opposed:
- Proffers: Legislation that would have amended, repealed, studied, or exempted certain localities from the 2016 proffer legislation
- Statewide Fire Prevention Code: Three bills that would have transferred the authority for the adoption of the Statewide Fire Prevention Code from the Board of Housing and Community Development to the Fire Services Board
- Impact Fee Legislation: Two bills that would have granted broad impact fee authority to all localities in the Commonwealth
- Affiliated Services: Legislation that would have prohibited the use of affiliated business arrangements (Mortgage Lenders and Title Companies)
- Affordable Dwelling Units / Inclusionary Zoning Legislation: Legislation that would have granted all localities the authority to enact mandatory affordable set-aside ordinences
- Tree Ordinances: Several bills that would have authorized localities to enact more stringent tree ordinances than currently enabled under State Code
- Cluster Development: One bill that would have prohibited the placement of stormwater management facilities in “open space” within cluster developments
Summary of Legislation HBAV Supported:
- Legislation to ensure the protection of proprietary construction and engineering documents
- Legislation to allow localities to enter into agreements with another to help provide plan review, permitting, and inspections services
- Removes the requirement that a building permit applicant’s written statement that he is not subject to licensure or certification as a contractor or subcontractor be supported by an affidavit
- Legislation to address stormwater management regulations in rural Tidewater localities
- Legislation to protect Virginia’s vested rights laws
- Legislation to exempt from the requirement to obtain a Virginia Water Protection Permit an impact to a stormwater management facility on dry land
- Legislation to allow localities to create abandoned school revitalization zones
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