Looking for something fun for your kids to do? Want to add a little ‘tech ed’ into their home school education? We’re having a LEGO Home Building Contest and challenging all LEGO builders age 3-17 to show off your master LEGO skills!
Winners will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card. Submissions are due Monday, May 4th.
1) Pull out your LEGOs.
2) Build the best house out of LEGOs that you can. (It has to be an original house and not one from a kit.)
3) Snap a photo of your LEGO House with several angles. (Be sure to let us know about any special features.)
4) Send the photo to us by Facebook Direct Message or by email to by Monday 5/4/20. Please include the 1st name and age of the child who built the house.
5) Our team of ‘experts’ will select the winners. Depending on entries, winners will be broken into age categories.
6) We will post all of the homes and the winners on Facebook.
We’re looking forward to seeing all of the FABAlous creations you come up with!