Join NAHB for a FREE webinar on 2021 Energy Code changes when you log into using your NAHB log in. If you haven not set up your NAHB login, please contact us at FABA and we can provide you with your NAHB member identification number to set up your login information.

On Wednesday, Nov. 17, NAHB is hosting a webinar free to members that covers the significant changes to the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) in its 2021 edition.
Changes in the recently released model energy code represent the largest overhaul of residential energy code provisions in nearly a decade, and will require design and construction changes to homes in all climate zones across the United States. The code was published earlier this year after a fraught development process.
NAHB codes staff will walk members through the changes and introduce the 2021 IECC Code Adoption Kit, a resource for members and HBAs to use locally as code bodies begin to evaluate the code for adoption.
What webinar participants will learn:
- How to design and construct homes to achieve compliance with the residential provisions of the 2021 IECC.
- The differences in new requirements between the prescriptive, performance and ERI compliance paths.
- The expected levels of energy savings from implementing the 2021 IECC.
- How to use the NAHB 2021 IECC Code Adoption Kit to influence the adoption process at the local level.
The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 17, at 2 p.m. ET. NAHB members can register for free.