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Strategies Builders Employ to Combat Rising Building Material Costs and Shortages

How have single-family builders reacted to recent shortages and price increases in building materials?

The most common strategies, cited by 62% and 59% of builders, were to raise their prices on their homes frequently and pre-ordering materials, according to a June survey for the NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI).

These approaches were followed by price escalation clauses (45%, waiting until late in the construction process before listing spec homes (39%) and cost-plus pricing (32%).

Only 2% of builders indicated they had adopted none of the listed techniques for dealing with the shortages and rising cost of materials.

While some of the most dramatic price increases over the past year involved lumber prices, this has caused very few builders to switch away from traditional wood framing, although some are considering it. In particular, 17% are considering switching to steel, 16% to structural insulated panels, 14% to insulated concrete forms and 8% to concrete masonry.

NAHB Senior Economist Paul Emrath provides more analysis in this Eye on Housing blog post.

Picture of Fredericksburg Area Builder's Association

Fredericksburg Area Builder's Association

The Fredericksburg Area Builders Association (FABA), chartered in 1968 and incorporated in 1980 has hundreds of members both builders and associates. These members represent thousands of people whose livelihoods are directly tied to the building and building-related industries. FABA, a tax-exempt trade association, is affiliated with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the Home Builders Association of Virginia (HBAV). With its main purpose to create and maintain a favorable climate for the growth and development of the building industry, the Fredericksburg Area Builders Association seeks to develop and maintain high professional business standards with the ultimate goal of providing home ownership to all individuals and families in our area. Centrally located between Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital, and Richmond, Virginia, the state capital, FABA serves the historic City of Fredericksburg, VA area including the surrounding counties of Spotsylvania, Stafford, King George, Caroline, Culpeper and Orange.



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