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What Members Are Saying

Scott Hine, John Hayden, and Union Home Mortgage Members since 1989

The Fredericksburg Area Builders Association is truly unique when compared with similar trade organizations. Not only is it an active body, but there is truly a sense of partnership among its members. The byproducts of networking and marketing are surely a plus, but there seems to be a true awareness among most of its members of the common goal, promoting a strong and vibrant building industry in our area. During these challenging economic times, we, like all other businesses have had to make some difficult decisions when it comes to our budget. Eliminating our membership to FABA has never been something we considered.

Stephen Taliaferro, Teakwood Enterprises
Members since 2012

Teakwood Enterprises joined FABA to gain more insight in the industry. In the few short years we have been a member our expectations have been surpassed time and again. As part of the legislative committee we have a chance to peek “behind the scenes” and help mold the legislation that will affect us and other builders in the industry. The FABA staff keep us informed about changes in the localities that will affect our daily operations as well as providing opportunities to get to know other members. Here at Teakwood Enterprises we are proud to be a part of FABA and look forward to many more years as active members!

Bill Liptrap, Ferguson Enterprises
Members since 1987

Membership in the builders association has many benefits for business of all types. The association offers members the chance to network, stay informed of changes affecting our trades, strengthen relationships with business partners, and give back to the community in meaningful and lasting ways. As a longstanding member of the Fredericksburg Area Builders Association, Ferguson is proud to support FABA and its members.

Tim Diehr, ABC Supply Co. inc. #082
Members since 2002

Being a member of the FABA is a natural fit for ABC Supply, because it lines up directly with our core values of Respect, Opportunity, Work Hard-Have Fun, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Family, Give Back, and American Pride. We are proud to be a member of the FABA!

Cameron Landeck, Reico Kitchen & Bath
Member since 1998

It is a privilege to be part of FABA. Our membership has allowed us to make connections and build partnerships with other members that have strengthened their business and ours and has made that membership even more valuable to us. It is essential to be part of FABA if you are going to be active in the building industry in this area.

Kevin Hale, Mid South Building Supply
Members since September 1988

Membership in FABA offers a great forum for networking and making lasting relationships. They also help with local jurisdictional issues as well as keeping us abreast of the market trends. The member involvement is amazing!